Make Money From Home – Your Step-By-Step Guide Part 1  

Article by Jo Payge

If you want to make money from home, you have 2 main choices:

One: Make money online.Two: Make money off line ie not using your computer.

In this article I will cover how to make money online, and in my next article, part 2, I will cover making money off line.So, here is something vital you need to ask yourself (and then I will show you how to make the money!How much do you want to earn and how much time can you put into your home-based business?Because your answer to those questions will help you determine which route to make money from home is best for you.

If your answer is something like “I want to make 00 – 00+ a month, passive income and I have plenty of time to build my business” then I would recommend you: either create your own website (no previous experience required) or get involved with affiliate marketing. This is where you sell other people’s products online, without needing to buy anything yourself or deal with customers. These are both my favorite ways to make money online.

If your answer is “I just want to make a lot of money fast and I don’t have much time” I would recommend you consider making money with AdWords. This is an online advertising program. You will need a budget for this and I recommend you set it very low while you are testing whether your ad campaign works. What products can you advertise? The most economic route is to become an affiliate (as recommended in the last paragraph) and sell other people’s information products.

If your answer is “I simply want some extra part-time income and I don’t want to learn new stuff” I would suggest you try doing online surveys. It’s a straightforward simple way to make some extra cash. You know how people sometimes approach you in the street with their clipboards wanting to ask you questions for market research? This is an online version of that. Companies need people’s opinions and will pay for them. They save money doing this online because they don’t have to pay someone to ask you the questions!

If you like sharing your thoughts and opinions with the world, and would like to get paid for doing so, I suggest you make money blogging. A blog is simply an online journal really which you can set up for free. So, if you are financially challenged this could be a good option to start with. You make money with the blog from adverts and links you place on the blog.

With all these money-making methods it’s best to find a niche to blog about, or advertise. Otherwise there’s too much competition and it could take you ages to actually make money. For instance, you will do better with a niche subject like bridal chokers rather than jewelry which is too broad a subject.

You also need to understand that keywords play a vital role in the success of any blogger or affiliate marketeer. Wordtracker and Google do a good tool to help you with keywords. I recommend you don’t focus too much on the most popular keywords because, again, there’s probably too much competition for them. Go for the more obscure ones and you are more likely to get good results!

Final tip: If you feel passionate about your business success will surely follow.

For in-depth step-by-step information about how to make money from home with all these methods (and many more) simply go to my website:

About the Author

I am an Internet Marketeer and have worked from home, online and off line for 15 years. My website is http://www.2makemoneyfromhome.comIt covers all aspects of making money from home, and has free make money ebooks.

More Making Money From Home Articles

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